Have you ever thought of being thankful for Trump?
“Are you crazy?” you say, feeling stumped.
Why not look at him with love instead of hate?
Or do you just watch and worry it is too late?
You think there is a chance he could win,
And that would turn everyone in a tailspin.
Well, I think he is playing a very courageous part
In waking up the pain in America’s heart.
If he had the caliber of a John F. Kennedy,
It would be hard for Hillary to find a remedy.
Other countries have a woman president.
And it isn’t because we set the precedent!
The Republicans deserve what they got
As they have spent eight years for naught.
All they cared about was making Obama fail
And they carved for themselves an ugly trail.
What were they thinking with all the obstruction?
And now they have Trump who is about destruction.
It is like an alcoholic has to bottom out.
Is this what Trump is all about?
Our nation has certainly woken up to really see
That everyone isn’t thinking as they should be.
There is racism, bigotry, misogyny, and fear galore
And Trump energizes this hatred more and more.
It is no fun to break out of denial like this.
Or do you naively think ignorance was bliss?
How would you like to have people see you
As just a label or a combination of a few?
Imagine if you were a lesbian Hispanic, Muslin or Black
And met a Trump lover by a lonely railroad track.
This could be a dangerous situation for you.
You’d wish you could vanish right out of the blue.
No one should ever be afraid to be who they are.
But Trump has woken up the bottom of the bar.
The bar in our culture has been revealed to be low.
To our identity as a nation it is quite a blow.
Trump is playing the role of a fool
And in his narcissistic absurdity thinks he is cool.
He is just attracting attention as a reality star.
Who thinks he is destined to go really far.
But come November he will take a big fall
And like a little boy will let out a call:
The election was rigged and it wasn’t fair.
How could people reject me and not even care?
Next he will have to go to court for his Trump University scam
Bam, wham, will that to his ego ever be a slam!
The sad part is that he doesn’t know truth from a lie.
Out of his mouth he blasts more bullshit to fly.
It is hard to fathom being so full of delusions
And boast but not really have any solutions.
He’ll go down in history as our nation’s wake-up call
To how far the bigotry, racism, and other ills did fall.
His ignorance is blatant and downright dangerous.
The least provocation and he makes a big fuss.
He refuses to pay people who have worked for him
Yet for him he expects people to go out on a limb.
People in Australia are having a ball
Making funny videos about his wall.
Trump is fodder for comedians and critics
As he is always so full of stupid tricks.
His boasts about Russia are without reason.
Then there is his blatant act of treason.
The other nations find many reasons to poke
Making us the brunt of many a joke.
Everyone’s trust he could really breach
Having the nuclear button within his reach.
His blatant lack of impulse control
Could really take a devastating toll.
One of the worst things he ever did or said
Was his response to the fallen marine’s mom and dad.
And then saying he always wanted a purple heart.
How about sending him to the front lines for a start?
Let’s thank Donald Trump for helping his friend
Reach her goal to succeed in the end.
We know he really wants Hillary to win the election
And played the jerk to help people in their selection.
He did a marvelous job at being absurd.
Who else would dare be such a blatant turd?
It is like a criminal who doesn’t know how to be good,
So he worked at being really good at being as bad as he could.
His mind is like a criminal mind.
Who searches hard until he can find
The most outlandish craziest thing to shout
As he flails his hands and arms all about.
It wasn’t an easy role to play at all,
But it will come to an end this fall.
At least he will get his desired fame
Even if he tarnished his family name.
Now celebrate by buying this greeting card
And enjoy laughing loud and hard.
It will amuse you and tickle your heart
As like him, it sounds like a big fart!