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Can you imagine being a prisoner and transforming your consciousness?

Cleone Reed

As Tom Wilmas's publisher, I am very excited about this book, SEDITION RISING. He is in my eyes the definition of transformation. With an abusive childhood riddled with alcoholism (both he and his father, etc.), he made mistakes galore as a young man. Searching for family, love, and a sense of belonging, he joined a white supremacist movement and did things he so regrets. In prison for most of his adult life, hoping to be released in August of this year (2024), his transformation through his strong faith has made him what he is today. He even helped the prison guards get higher wages!! Imagine that! He is the only prisoner in the United States (maybe the world) who started a scholarship fund for orphans who lost their parents because someone murdered them. It is called the Amethyst Foundation. So far, it has raised about $19,000 and when it reaches $25,000, people can start making applications for money for these children to go to college. Go to the website and check it out. Maybe even donate if it is in your heart to do so.

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