Robert D. Reed Publishers News
StarCatcher gets all FIVE-STAR REVIEWS
A True Life Hollywood Fantasy Behind the scenes in Hollywood Ernest Borgnine Hollywood John Frederick John Wayne StarCatcher
Robert or Cleone ReedOne of my all-time favorite songs is "How Could Anyone Ever Tell You You Were Anything Less than Beautiful" (by Shaina Noll). When I think about John Frederick's book, StarCatcher, I think, How could anyone ever think this book is anything less than wonderful? And the reviewers all agree with me. He has twenty five-star reviews on Amazon and four on Barnes and Noble. Every review is five stars!! And so rightly so. This book is one we at Robert D. Reed Publishers are very proud to have in our catalog. Here is a condensed (somewhat anyway) list of some of his reviews: 5.0...
Abuse is Not an Option
Robert or Cleone Reed
Today we received the shipment of a case of over 100 books titled Domestic Violence: Tragedy and Hope by Frances T. Pilch. I am so very pleased with this book. An artist named Jane Sterrett created the front-cover art. Fran Pilch had six other contributors write a chapter or two or three in this very important book. Statistics on domestic violence in our culture are staggering. There are a few quotes in the book between chapters, and my favorite one is by Maya Angelou. she says, "Each time a woman stands up for herself without knowing it possibly, without claiming...
Robert or Cleone Reed
Adam Powell from England wrote the book, MORE OF HISTORY'S WORST, which is such an interesting read. It is full of illustrations and pictures which enhances the reading experience. Mark Schultz just posted this review on his website: Thank you Mark. I am happy you enjoyed this book.
A Friend Reviews Some of Our Favorite Books
Robert or Cleone Reed
My friend Lane Sharkey, who doesn't "do internet" read a few of our books and handed me some hand-written reviews. 1. Hobo Sapien by Wayne Iverson, 2. Raindrops on Roman by Elizabeth Scott, 3. My Dyslexic Life by Scott Douthit, and 4. A Kid's Herb Book by Lesley Tierra. REVIEWS by Lane Sharkey: "Hobo Sapien by Wayne Iverson: What a delightful read this little book was. The title really says it all. A spiritual hobo—who would have thought... I had fun reading Hobo Sapien and learned a few things along the way, as well." "Raindrops on Roman by Elizabeth Scott: Growing up in the '60's,...
Wishes in Black & White
blacks versus whites Eileen Williams Sabry Race relations racial tensions Roya Movafech Wishes in Black & White
Cleone ReedWishes in Black & White, a book by Eileen Williams Sabry; Photography by Roya Movafegh Today Bob handed me this book that he published in 2000 while he was living in California. The author, Eileen Williams Sabry, was featured on an Oprah Winfrey TV Special to celebrate Martin Luther King Day on Monday, January 15, 2001. She appeared along with Chris Rock, Spike Lee, and other Americans to discuss the thought-provoking question from her book, Wishes in Black & White. What a beautiful book, and timeless! It seems like such an important time in our history to reintroduce this book to remind us that we...