Robert Reed Publishers
You're a Medical What!?
A Lighthearted Peek into the World of a Medical Transcriptionist
by Sara Burns
- Discover which famous person was a flirtatious rascal in the recovery room!
- Learn what medical transcriptionists hear when doctors forget to turn off their recorders!
- Imagine yourself sitting by the ocean in Kauai, watching the dolphins play offshore, while you continue your work, as the author so deftly describes.
This book is also now available on Kindle (click here).
You're a Medical What!? entertains and informs anyone who would peruse its pages. What reader would not eagerly turn the page to discover which famous person was a flirtatious rascal in the recovery room? What do medical transcriptionists hear when doctors forget to turn off their recorders? Imagine yourself sitting by the ocean in Kauai, watching the dolphins play offshore, while you continue your work, as the author so deftly describes.
There is an abundance of resource books for current as well as aspiring medical transcriptionists, and there is a small handful of humorous books, but there is nothing on the market that combines lighthearted anecdotal content with sound how-to advice. At last a book that appeals to anyone who is curious about the world of medicine, and more specifically how medical transcription fits into that picture. It provides a peek into a part of that world, and informs and teaches as it entertains.
Sara Burns offers a lighthearted perspective and insight into this little known, but vitally significant, component of the medical community.
"Sara entertainingly depicts the real world of medical transcription — its humor, challenges, frustrations, accomplishments, joys, and pains. Seasoned MTs will laugh and nod in agreement, "newbies" and students will get an uncensored view of MT as a career, relatives and friends will better understand what MTs do and why, and physicians and other healthcare professionals will better appreciate their silent partners. A delightful read for all!" – Claudia Tessier, CAE RHIA, Vice President, Medical Records Institute & Former CEO of The American Association for Medical Transcription
"From the onset Sara informed me that she would mold her work first to satisfy herself. I suspect she's pleased. Next she felt she had something to say. And so she did. She wanted to offer her score-plus-years of experience and accumulated wisdom in support of career aspirants. And so she has. She knew that her own passion for a demanding job must obviously exist in others. She is likely right. Lastly, books are usually produced as a labor of love. She has that and so she composed. She effectively encourages aspirants attracted to the 'word trade'. She would take great delight to learn that she had inspired even a handful of you. Such an evoked joy would be no surprise to those of us who have known the ever-ebullient Sara." – R. Paul St. Amand, MD, author of "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia"and "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Fibromyalgia Fatigue"
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Sara Burns' work as a surgical secretary led to medical transcription, including an AA degree with a medical transcription major. Her articles were published in the association's journals, which she expanded into this book, her first. Sara and her husband live in their new home in the woods near Nevada City, California. Sara's work as a medical language specialist and independent contractor continues.