Robert Reed Publishers
And We Are Doing It! Building An Ecovillage Future by JT Ross Jackson
Building an Ecovillage Future presents the personal life journey and vision of a very special human being, Ross Jackson, and his life partner Hildur Jackson. Ross rose from a modest background to achieve extraordinary success in the institutions of international business and finance. From his insider's understanding of the destructive nature of the institutions he came to master, he has lent his energies to the task of creating societies more responsive to needs of people, community and nature. In his book And We Are Doing It! Building An Ecovillage Future, he shares his personal insights into the forthcoming step to human spiritual maturity by offering clear information on topics such as the cause of global financial instability. Though many of the world's leaders remain in denial, it is evident that an increasingly unstable and destructive economic system that values money more than life is leading humanity toward ecological and financial collapse. In contrast, And We Are Doing It! demonstrates possibilities within our reach to organize human spaces into ecovillages that restore our sense of community and our connection to the earth, while providing us with environmentally sound and sustainable sources of livelihood.
"We learn what is special about the ideal ecovillage: that it is truly holistic, integrating all aspects of our lives in a single place, where social, environmental, and spiritual aspects meet, in a vibrant community that can continue forever in harmony with nature."
The father of the ecovillage movement, and chair of Gala Trust, Denmark, tells the personal story of his transformation from financial guru to spiritual warrior supporting the rapidly growing ecovillage movement of sustainable communities as a response to the crisis of commercial globalization, which is threatening to destroy our culture and our environment.
The title of this book is taken from the rallying cry of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN): "We Can Do It, We Will Do It, And We Are Doing It!"
This is the story of the Dr. Jackson’s involvement with and commitment to the ecovillage movement. Written on two levels (the personal and the objective), we follow events in the author’s life that gradually led him to this commitment. Along the way, we are shown why global commercialization is problematic, why the direction of current treaties is disastrous, and why the only viable alternative is to respect and implement local community values.
Readers learn what is special about the ideal ecovillage. What is special about ecovillagers is that that they are not merely writing papers for the next conference or philosophizing over the back fence about what we ought to do about the coming global crisis. They are walking their talk, blazing trails, and founding a new culture for a new millennium, based on new values. Or more correctly, ancient values that are being rediscovered. The author is an inspiration and a leader among them. To contact him, go to www.ross-jackson.com.