Robert Reed Publishers
You Can Be Famous: Insider Secrets to Getting Free Publicity by Danek Kaus
This book will teach people how to get free publicity.It is intended for business owners, members of organizations and individuals.Some of the topics include the various types of fame, the benefits of fame, how to write a winning press release, how to interact with journalists, the two best ways to get exposure in newspapers and magazines, how to do radio interviews from home, how to get on TV talks shows, TV performance tips from the Seinfeld TV show dialogue coach, how to give great speeches, how to overcome the fear of public speaking, interviews with journalists about how they like to be approached and what turns them off, and much more.
This book is available on Kindle (click here).
"You Can Be Famous! provides a slam-dunk solution for anyone who wants to fire up their publicity presence. The writing is crisp, and the tips Kaus presents concerning just about every form of media imaginable are solid." ~ Randy Peyser, Author of The Internet Marketing and Publicity Directory
"Quit paying for advertising! If you're serious about getting free publicity, this book will show you how. This is the most misunderstood and underused marketing technique today—and this book reveals how to do it! Get this one NOW." ~ Joe Vitale, Star in the movie, The Secret< Author of Hypnotic Writing and The Attractor Factor
"Do you want to get free publicity? Buy this book!” ~ Malcolm Kushner, America’s Humor Consultant, Author ofPublic Speaking for Dummies andThe Light Touch: How to Use Humor for Business Success
“You Can Be Famous: Insider Secrets to Getting Free Publicity is a must-have on your bookshelf if you intend to capitalize on the media to spread your message to the masses. You Can Be Famousis jam-packed with helpful tips and strategies, like how to be a ‘media darling,’ and reveals insider secrets into the minds of the various media types responsible for determining your success. Being a Journalist himself, Dan knows the right way and the wrong way to board the media train.” ~ Michelle Armstrong, Motivational Speaker, Author of Manage Your Mind, Master Your Life
“You Can Be Famous is a shining example among the books on publicity. It is the polar star I use to guide me and get my name out." ~JK Ellis, Author of The Forbidden Book Of Getting What You Want
"Part of being a chic entrepreneur is knowing how to spot a bargain—and what's a better bargain than free publicity? You Can Be Famous reveals savvy strategies for becoming a media magnet. I recommend this book for anyone who wants to spread their message free of charge." ~ Elizabeth Gordon,President of Flourishing Business, Author of The Chic Entrepreneur: Put Your Business in Higher Heels
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Danek S. Kaus (who we lost in May of 2014) was a veteran journalist and publicist. His PR clients have been featured in such media outlets as CNN, USA Today, The New York Times and hundreds of newspapers, radio and TV shows. He was also the co-author of Power Persuasion: Using Hypnotic Influence to Win in Life, Love, and Business.