Robert Reed Publishers
THE SHOVEL by Baker Fore and Tom Massey
When Tragedy Meets Transformation
No one knows exactly why things happen the way they do. Some people are born with tremendous opportunities, yet they flounder in a meaningless existence while others rise from the ashes to lead lives of significance. Such was the case for A.B. Lincoln, a troubled young man who had numerous mystical encounters with a crusty old prospector who repeatedly used a shovel to teach object lessons in personal transformation.
In a world where hope and optimism about the future seem to grow increasingly dismal, THE SHOVEL wrestles with the ageless question: How do we move the mountains of trouble in our lives? The answers A.B. gets may be as life transforming for you as it was for him. This story of courage and the determination of the human spirit to overcome adversity is his story, but it also belongs to each of us.
It has been said that if you have enough faith you can move mountains. And you can always distinguish who the person is with real faith – he’s the one who shows up with a shovel! That’s what this book is about…moving the mountains in your life.
Show up each day with a positive attitude and creating successful habits today will produce the life you want tomorrow.
Take responsibility for your life by owning up to your actions without making excuses or blaming others.
Develop a clear vision of what your future will be and set specific goals to get there.
Be committed to exceeding the expectations of others and develop a reputation for going the extra mile.
Finally, learn to love by taking action to show others that they are important.
By living the principles in this book, you will move the mountains in your life and become a person of success and significance.
Baker Fore: Known as “Dr. Fore” to his patients and “Baker” to his friends, he lives in Southern Oklahoma with his beautiful wife Meghann. Together, they raise cats, dogs, and longhorn cows; as well as children and grandchildren, who love to visit their ranch often.
In the 1970s, Dr. Fore developed a clinic and hospital in rural New Mexico; in the 1980s, he established urgent care centers throughout Oklahoma City: in the 1990s, he was an Emergency Room physician and he created a wellness/occupational center in Ardmore, Oklahoma. In 2006, he opened the first pain management facility in Southern Oklahoma.
Baker’s current goal in life is to give people the tools they need to better themselves. He believes in teaching others to fish, rather than giving them a fish – but he is not above offering a helping hand to someone willing to give their best effort. He is now changing lives rather than just saving them. Baker Fore is also the author of Life Sucks, So Get Rich!
Tom Massey: Tom Massey is a leader in the field of personal and organizational performance. He is an internationally known author and speaker who has spent more than two decades sharing his principle-centered philosophy and performance strategies with diverse groups – from highly successful business leaders to world-class athletes. He is the founder of several businesses and currently serves as President for Pacesetters Consulting Group, Inc.
Tom is the author of six books on personal growth and leadership development, published by Robert D. Reed Publishers:
- How Bad Do You REALLY Want It? Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Go!
- The ABC’s of Successful Living: Getting What You REALLY Want!
- The ABC’s of Total Health: Practical Tips for Abundant Living
- The ABC’s of Effective Leadership: Managing from the Heart
- Ten Commitments for Building High Performance Teams
- Ten Commitments for Men
Tom Massey can be contacted at www.TomMasseyInc.com.
This work is a unique collaboration of stories and life principles learned cumulatively by the authors over a span of more than seventy years. During the writing of this book, Baker Fore had multiple dream encounters with the old prospector, which he would arise and write down in the middle of the night. Then he would pass them on to Tom Massey, who used Baker’s dream experiences in developing the storyline for The Shovel.
Baker Fore and Tom Massey have been light-heartedly referred to as the “Barry & Manilow” of self-actualization books – metaphorically speaking, one writes the lyrics and the other adds the melody. Look for their next book entitled: Nothing Beats R.I.C.H. In this sequel to The Shovel, the characters, Jason Clark, Joshua Lincoln, Caleb Lincoln, and Alicia Lincoln continue to learn and put into practice the life-changing principles gained through their mystical encounters with the old prospector.