Robert Reed Publishers
Your Guide to the Independent Film and Television Producer
By Andrea Leigh Wolf
It's all here- a view from the trenches. No one will sell your script more successfully than you. Read Sell Your Screenplay and learn to:
- Gain insight through the author's failures and triumphs.
- Avoid potential pitfalls and save precious time.
- Overcome big studio politics and acheive success through the creative vision of the more accessible independent producer.
- Write and sell high-quality, professional screenplays.
With hundreds of contacts and valuable resources, this is an empowering guide for the beginning screenwriter.
* Overcome big studio politics to reach success through the creative vision of the more accessible Independent Producer.
* Follow the author’s journey through the sale of her first spec script to learn how to find the help you need in this ultra-competitive business.
* Without an agent the author had to promote herself. You can learn to do the same.
* Find confidence in yourself through her failures and triumphs - what works and what does not.
* Advice offered from an experienced screenwriter - no one will sell your script more successfully than you will.
* It’s all here in this view from the trenches.
* This book is a must-read for the beginning screenwriter.
"This is an impressive and useful publication. Andrea has accomplished something many other writers might emulate: she doesn’t talk about anything she doesn’t know about. What she does know about is the aggressive and tenacious pursuit of a screenplay sale to an independent production company. Andrea’s introductory essays on ‘The Independent Producer’,’‘Breakthrough Tactics,’ and ‘Rules of the Game’ are brief, to the point, and accurate. It’s impossible to compile such a book without duplicating some information available, but there is not another book that includes all the features Andrea offers. This is a wonderful, useful, and practical guide for any beginning screenwriter, and of use to the not-so beginning writer as well. Andrea has accomplished what she set out to do, and that was to put together the book she wished she had when she began. Congratulations, Andrea, you’ve put together another important and sorely needed tool for writers. When this guide catches on, it should become an industry standard." — Digby Diehl, nonfiction writer and critic for several publications. (Digby Diehl is the Literary Correspondent for ABC-TV’s "Good Morning America")