Robert Reed Publishers
Live To Be 100+
Healthy Choices For Maximizing Your Life
by Richard G. Deeb, D.N. (Doctor of Naturology)
Who will benefit by reading this book? Anyone who wants to lose weight and add twenty or more healthful years to his or her life!
Live To Be 100+ offers simple suggestions for creating a healthier lifestyle and it provides many healthful, easy-to-follow recipes.
Learn to:
* Add 20 or more vigorous years to your life;
* Drastically reduce your risk of killer diseases;
* Develop a new prevention plan for osteoporosis;
* Have more energy;
* Feel better, sleep better, and perform better; and
* Enjoy the never-go-hungry, never-count-calories diet plan
Why is this book unique in the area of diet and health? It helps readers to overcome common major stumbling blocks to improving overall health and to effectively managing weight. The author believes that the secret to long-term health is to eliminate or postpone the major killer diseases. Today there are an abundance of books which introduce "new" diet plans, exercise programs, and other aspects of health improvement. However, the problem with most of these books is that they do not take into consideration the whole person. To focus on only one part of a person's health improvement plan is to offer only temporary solutions.
Richard Deeb says, "Education, not medication, is the key to longevity. All diseases known to man have solutions somewhere in nature if one knows where to look.... What we put into our mouths can affect the way we sleep, think, act, and feel. Certain foods can cause hyperactivity or anxiety, while other foods fog our thinking, slow us down, make us feel drained or depressed." He discusses the impact that various types of foods have on our bodies as well as on our mental and emotional health. He reminds us to be careful shoppers and not to be fooled by packaging or ads which suggest that certain foods are "healthy" or "natural," when the ingredients and preparation process may prove the opposite. Many people have lost track of why we eat. Food should give us strength, energy, and fuel to operate.
The author's own health problems inspired him to look for the keys to good health. Unfortunately, his search for answers within the orthodox medical establishment left him empty handed. Finally he realized that orthodox medicine does not have all of the answers. Allopathic (M.D.) medicine is good for diagnosing disease and crisis intervention (such as emergency medicine and surgeries), not for curing disease. Unfortunately, there are no magic pills or treatments that will cure disease. The author believes that the human body has the ability to cure most afflictions and diseases.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Richard G. Deeb, A.P.—Acupuncture Physician & Hom.—Homeopath
Richard Deeb became a homeopath and then furthered his studies by also becoming a an acupuncturist. He graduated from the Florida Institute of Chinese Medicine with a diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine. All of Richard’s studies have been to facilitate, if not ensure better health for the purpose of extending and understanding longevity. This is the main premise of the books Richard wrote: Live To Be 100+ and The Longevity Equation. In 2013 Richard became certified in anti-ageing medicine from the American Academy of Anti-Aging.