Robert Reed Publishers
ADD: The 20-Hour Solution by Mark Steinberg, Ph.D. and Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.
This book (also available on Kindle/click here) by Mark Steinberg, Ph.D. and Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D. describes a powerful remedy for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in straightforward language that every reader will understand. The authors specialize in the use of EEG biofeedback techniques (also called neurofeedback) for the attention, behavior, mood, and learning problems of children and adults. ADD: The 20-Hour Solution explains all that parents of children or adults with ADD or ADHD need to know about how neurofeedback techniques work. Read how they address the underlying problem and characteristics of ADD/ADHD, which must be corrected in order for symptoms to resolve. (ADHD is the formal designation reflecting that hyperactivity is an additional feature in this variant of the condition.)
Drs. Steinberg and Othmer take readers through the method by which we can improve the brain’s ability to pay attention and regulate its behavior. They give a step-by-step process of finding and selecting a professional who offers the appropriate EEG neurofeedback services, and describe moving forward safely and sensibly through the process of resolving ADD in only twenty hours, utilizing this innovative treatment method. They discuss how to monitor progress, and give specific criteria and methods for evaluating treatment success. This book guides parents in how to talk to doctors, therapists, teachers, and others about ADD. It discusses other treatment interventions, and how they might complement neurofeedback. The book details what parents can do to support treatment, create effective environments, minimize stress and conflict, and get their child on-track to healthy adjustment and development. The authors also give specific procedures and examples of effective behavior modification suitable for children, particularly children with ADD.
ADD: The 20-Hour Solution explains the self-healing capacities of the human brain and how it can learn or re-learn the self-regulatory mechanisms that are basic to its normal design and function. The authors define “mental fitness” and explain the role of EEG neurofeedback in bringing about tangible improvement for those struggling with ADD.
Good assessment procedures contribute to proper treatment and appropriate education. The authors list specific tests and give case examples of how neurofeedback assessments support effective treatment. Touching case histories that will captivate, educate, and inspire readers are interwoven with detailed, practical information. The book reveals the dramatic personal story of the children of one of the authors who had ADD and seizures and how this led to the proliferation of EEG neurofeedback as a successful intervention helping thousands of people worldwide. Most importantly, the book also lists specific up-to-date resources on where to find information on EEG neurofeedback and how to find providers throughout the world.
Mark Steinberg, Ph.D. is a practicing licensed psychologist in Los Gatos (San Jose), California with over 29 years of experience in clinical, educational, and neuropsychology. He has worked extensively with children and families, and with educational agencies and businesses. He has taught graduate school in psychology at several universities. His specialties include EEG neurofeedback, Voice Technology, mental fitness training, peak performance, cognitive retraining, and technology-assisted learning therapy for individuals with academic, motivational, and neurological problems. Dr. Steinberg has made numerous appearances nationally on television and radio, including TV appearances on ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX. He is often consulted and invited for studio appearances as a medical expert by NBC. He was voted Educational Psychologist of the Year in 1993 by a professional peer organization and Best Child Therapist in 2000 by Bay Area Parent magazine.
Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D. is the Chief Scientist at the EEG Institute of the Brian Othmer Foundation in Woodland Hills (Los Angeles). This foundation is dedicated to research, education, and clinical services in the field of neurofeedback. Dr. Othmer is also the Founder of EEG Spectrum (1988), which rapidly became the largest neurofeedback service delivery organization in the world. He is a physicist who has spent most of his career in aerospace research. However, two children with neurological impairments, and a third with ADHD, moved his attention forcefully to this emerging technique of neurofeedback. Dr. Othmer and his wife, Susan Othmer, have introduced several thousand professionals into the field of neurofeedback. The story of these developments is told in the book, A Symphony in the Brain, by New York Times Science writer Jim Robbins.