Robert Reed Publishers
HEAL YOURSELF: Mind Body Spirit by Marcia Kamph
Foreword by Ronald M. Lawrence, M.D.
The objective of this book is to give you, the reader, common-sense guidelines and practical tools to enhance the quality of your life and minimize the potential for the degenerative conditions facing us in this new century. To do this, you must take responsibility for your own health. That means you must become knowledgeable and self-sufficient in understanding how your body works and what to do to maintain optimum health.
Understanding health and disease is not difficult. They both follow direct and logical laws of nature. Though our bodies are the most remarkable and complex machine ever invented, nature has laid a clear path for their welfare and upkeep. The laws demonstrate a rational interplay between body structure, function, nutrition and thought patterns and sound mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. This book allows you to follow that natural approach to health and healing.
We get into trouble when we deviate from nature’s path through poor diet, structural misalignment, emotional upheaval and negative thought processes, or because of accident or things beyond our control. You usually have instinctive insight into your own health concerns. The wise doctor is attentive to your observations and this book will promote meaningful dialogue with your health provider.
"How innovative! This book is truly unique because it is one of the only books I have read that addresses the link between structure and your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. ~ Ann Louise Gittleman, Author of The New York Times bestsellers, The Fat Flush Plan and Before the Change
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Marcia Kamph, D.C., M.S., a former English/history instructor, has worked in the field of natural healing arts since 1975. As a chiropractor, nutritional consultant with a Masters of Science degree, author, lecturer and health counselor, she integrates into her work the holistic approach to wellness. She has published many articles and written two books, Prescription for Robust Health and Heal Yourself: MindBody Spirit, both designed to bring basic principles of health to the general public. An education advocate, she hosted her own television series Feeling Great Now! in 1991 and has been featured on numerous radio and TV shows over the past thirty years, including Fox Television's, the Jack London Show in Las Vegas. She facilitates workshops and lectures at colleges, schools, community and professional organizations.
"If you feel well, you think well; if you think well, you behave well." ~ Marcia Kamph, D.C. M.S.