Robert Reed Publishers
Die Laughing! Lighthearted Views of a Grave Situation by Steve Mickle
Illustrations by Kyle Edgell Mickle
A hint, not all entertainment, just maybe..."
~ Patch Adams MD
Being alive, we all know something of life. This book explores what we know about death.
This book is funny. It's 136 pages of one-liners and more—with illustrations by Kyle Edgell of cute little animals—with humor drawn from real life. It offers musings for your consideration and will no doubt remind you of what you already suspect, that what you feared most may not be that bad after all.
Die Laughing! Lighthearted Views of a Grave Situation pokes the monster. Here is a sampling of the wit and wisdom found in Die Laughing!
Death is…
Just lying around.
Being around flowers without your hay fever bothering you.
The ultimate excuse for not picking up your socks.
Having a near-death experience and when you return to your body it says "not tonight dear, I have a headache."
Attending the first family reunion to include your distant cousin Claude, who came over from the old country in 1803.
The text touches on some of the more overworked fodder of modern "literature:" sex, health, world ecological concerns, near-death experiences, and personal hygiene.
Funniest when read with a "Johnny Carson delivery" to a group of sleep-deprived, inebriated friends—as is true with any good humor.
Die Laughing! could be the bridge that helps us survive, with our humor intact, the inevitable crossing over to the other side of life.
To create laughter in the face of death is a precious gift to bring to the terminally ill and this tiny book delivers big!
Winking at death is not for the faint of heart – reader discretion is advised. Read Die Laughing! when buoyed up by good friends and good spirits (pun intended).
. Lisa Rosenberg, Ph.D., R.N., humor writer, presenter, Rush College of Nursing says "Die Laughing! is the dark side of Life's Little Instruction Book. It is the perfect humorous antidote for those who work with the more grim aspects of life or anyone who can appreciate taking "a shot in the dark." It may also give you a fresh perspective on life; after all, it's not your last laugh."
Allen Fertziger, Ph.D., thanatologist, lecturer, University of Maryland says, "Laughter in the midst of loss is never an easy task. But humor can help release the flow of feelings that is difficult in a society which, by and large, seeks to deny death. This book can be a useful tool in helping individuals grieve as they struggle with loss. It also provides an unusual and entertaining journey into whimsy."
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Steve Mickle served in the US Navy, and in 1971 graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University. He married, had two children and enjoyed a 20-year career in advertising.
From 1973 –1977 he worked for a major Ad agency with fellow vet, alumni and art director Rich Hillman. They immediately hit it off. Their shared office space became the gathering place for co-workers. Even the psychiatrist next door would drop by for coffee breaks (that was 'his' story). Everyone was funnier in that room, and Die Laughing! was born there as "Death is..."
A book, Death is... was released in 1993, but couldn't get noticed. Rich died in 1998. Steve finished raising his boys; and by then, as a portrait artist, he began to experience some health challenges.
In 2004 he married Kyle Edgell. In July 2009 she will be a five-year cancer survivor. She is doing well as are they. When not writing about death, Steve cheats it on his vintage motorcycle.
ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOR: Kyle Edgell Mickle is one of America's leading caricature entertainers, traveling extensively performing for corporations, associations, and private individuals.
Kyle began as an IIllustrator and graphic designer after graduating from Syracuse University with a BFA in Fine art. Her subsequent experience as an art and creative director with helping companies market themselves gave her the inspiration to start her own business as a caricature entertainer in 1997. In 2004 and 2008 she garnered awards in "Best Party Caricaturist" category at the CN national convention as well as in the drawing speed competition (2001). Edgell has sharpened her drawing skills and improv presentations by entertaining association conferences, providing therapeutic humor to the elderly in assisted-care facilities and to veterans, and presenting her wit and wisdom to rooms full of kindergarten children to university students.
Edgell's home studio is in Roanoke Virginia, where her illustration work is inspired by her portrait artist husband and author, Steven Mickle.