Robert Reed Publishers
Gotta Minute? Yoga for Health, Relaxation & Well-being by Nirvair Singh Khalsa
It is on Amazon. Click here.
It is on Barnes and Noble. Click here.
Yoga for Everyone!
This wonderful collection of fast, simple techniques is taken from the ancient tradition of yoga. It guides you through common daily challenges successfully and easily — with healing exercises to do in the morning, at your desk, in your car, and before bed.
Effective and Simple Yoga Exercises for:
* Easing tension in the lower and upper back, shoulders, neck, legs
* Improving digestion and elimination
* Relieving headaches
* Breathing more deeply, including the “Long Slow Deep Breath”
* Energizing, balancing, cooling, and calming
* Managing stress, anger, depression, and anxiety
* Experiencing greater health and well-being
Meditations and Special Breaths for:
* Boosting energy
* Experiencing peacefulness and joy
* Deepening relaxation
* Centering yourself
* Deepening relaxation
* Increasing prosperity
* Fine-tuning intuition
* Enhancing creativity
* Helping others to heal
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nirvair Singh Khalsa has taught Kundalini Yoga at the University of Alaska Anchorage since 1975. He has produced sixteen yoga videos and written five books, including The Art, Science, and Application of Kundalini Yoga. His Web site address is www.kundaliniyoga.net. He lives in Anchorage and loves to run, ski, bike, and hike with his family in the mountains of Alaska.