Robert Reed Publishers
Gotta Minute?™ How to Feel, Look & Live Great By Marcia Kamph
Written in a delightful, chatty manner, Gotta Minute? How to Look & Feel Great! not only explains why we develop dis-ease and illness, it provides easy to understand guidance on how to reverse those illnesses and regain mental, emotional and physical wellness. Perhaps most importantly, it illustrates the synergy of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of life—how each one influences and is influenced by the other and ultimately makes the whole person. Every doctor's office should have a copy and every doctor should make copies available to his or her patients
"Dr. Kamph's superb knowledge of the human body and its functions has inspired me and many others to eat healthfully and care for ourselves properly for decades. We thank this woman of integrity for all she has done for us and for our good health!" ~ Harvey Schecter, Honored as UC Santa Barbara Distinguished Alumnus, Author of Publications in the New York Times and Los Angeles Times
"In this ever-growing, dynamic field of 'healthcare,' no area is as important as that of preventive care for the maintenance of physical and mental health. Dr. Kamph's book is right on target as a brilliant guide for creating and sustaining good health." ~ Art Aviles, Art Aviles & Associates Business Development, Principal, Chairman Emeritus, Hospital Board of Trustees
"Challenges for executives to maintain their physical, emotional, and mental health are greater than ever given their escalating workloads, hours, stress, and extensive travel requirements. Dr. Kamph provides invaluable assistance for maintaining and rebuilding health. Every executive should keep this excellent resource close at hand." ~ Leslie L. Kossoff, Principal, Kossoff Management Consulting, Author of: Executive Thinking: The Dream, The Vision, The Mission Achieved And Managing for Quality
"Dr. Kamph's book is a gem of practical and informative ways to optimize one's health. She has summarized and synthesized vast amounts of complicated data and concepts into clear, concise, and meaningful language. Her obvious compassion for us encourages us to take this journey toward balanced health and experience real joy!" ~ Mona Coates, Ph.D., Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Professor of Sociology/Human Sexuality, and Clinical Hypnotherapist
"Dr. Kamph outlines an effective 'prescription' for healthy and enjoyable living. As a practitioner for thirty years, I have seen patients who have adapted the way of life as described in this book. They enjoy life as I believe it was designed to be lived. People who need a template to direct them on the path toward a healthy lifestyle will find this book most beneficial. I appreciate reviewing it and will share it with my patients." ~ R. Lloyd Friesen, D.C. (Chiropractor), Past President California Chiropractic Association, Delegate American Chiropractic Association
"Dr. Kamph's book is unique, informative, and powerful! It's a winner!" ~ Tony O'Donnell, N.D. (Naturopathic Doctor), President O'Donnell Health
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Marcia Kamph (copied from her website)
I have been involved in the natural healing arts my entire life. My grandmother's life was saved in 1920 by a Naturopath/Osteopath. Following natural healing guidelines became a way of life for my family. It was not until I found I was teaching Health instead of high school English and History that I realized I had to change professions. I left the teaching profession and became a chiropractor. Married and with two young children, it was a bit daunting, but I knew it was the right thing to do.
I was licensed as a chiropractor in 1974 and found myself talking about nutrition and entered a Masters program. I received an MS in Biology with an emphasis in Nutrition in 1981. Because of back injuries, I retired from active Chiropractic practice in 1992 and entered Art School. After reading a book my son, Dr. Steve Kamph, showed me on Neurofeedback and healing the brain, I realized how very important this was and returned to open a new practice in 2007. In 2010 I became Board Certified in Neurofeedback.
My practice today centers on healing the whole body...the structure and the brain...and using food that supports them both as an additional healing tool. We are one whole as Eastern medicine has always taught. My intent is to determine the reason for a person's ill health and/or behavior and bring him or her back to optimum health. In some cases that may involve other practitioners as well. As the saying goes: "Whatever it takes."