Robert Reed Publishers
Violet's Vision by Fran Fisher
Violet’s Vision is an inspiring parable for people of all ages. Violet is the Guardian Angel of Vision. Her message brings hope for humanity and will change forever how well you live your life. Her story will captivate you as she discovers the simple key to living true to her unique divine design.
Whether you are looking for more meaning in your work, more passion in your life, more fulfillment in your relationships, or the courage to be who you are. Violet will show you the way.
“Violet makes me feel as if I have superpowers, which inspires me to want to make a difference in the world.”
- Brittany Danielson, age 11
“Take time to discover and develop the gifts that you have. Everyone has his or her own special gift, whether it’s a musical talent or the ability to be outgoing and friendly. By working on these gifts, you can make a difference in your life – and the lives of others.” - Whitney Young, age 17
Illustrations by her Grandchildren: Brandon, Brittany, Heather, Michael, Monica, Scott, & Whiteny
The process in creating this little gift book and its presentation with purple ink epitomize the perfect gift as it was a collaborative venture between the author, Fran Fisher, and her grandchildren, her seven illustrators.
What little child or “child within” wouldn’t absolutely shine vicariously imagining having a grandmother like Fran Fisher. She stands for empowerment, support, love, and living your vision, your dreams. This book is a gift that will keep giving life-long in the consciousness of the readers.
Violet’s Vision offers readers the opportunity to participate (be published) on the Violet’s Vision web site and/or in the “sequel.” Fran invites young and old to share their own stories and/or drawings. Visit Fran at www.violetsvision.com.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Fran Fisher, Master Certified Coach, is a pioneer in the field of coaching, and founder of Academy for Coach Training, Living Your Vision®, and the Living Your Vision Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to empowering youth. She is a contributing author to Chocolate for a Woman’s Soul, and A Guide to Getting It, A Clear Compelling Vision. Fran lives in Bellevue, Washington.