Robert Reed Publishers
Consensual Consequences: A True Story of Life with a "Registerd Sex Offender" by Lynn Gilmore
A WHOLE NEW PERSPECTIVE: All "registered sex offenders" are not the same. It is like treating the same a desperate homeless teenager who stole some food to a armed robber who stole millions of diamonds. How many men as a young man over 18 had sex one time (or a few times) with a consenting underage girl? ‘Ninety-three percent of sex offenses are committed by someone NOT on the registry.’
This is the story of how one man one time did not set a boundary when he should have with a seductive teenage and how his family pays their whole lives as though he were a real child molester.
CONSENSUAL CONSEQUENCES is the gripping true story of how one woman fell in love with a registered sex offender.
This captivating story profiles the life of an average American family who is living a not-so-average life. Lynn was an educated woman who found herself in a dead-end marriage, and after much soul searching she realized what she must do. Enter a new love, a good honest man living with the label of "registered sex offender." Why would an educated woman fall in love with someone with such a label? Could this unlikely companion be Lynn's knight in shining armor? What are the consequences of this unusual love affair? As America wages war on every sex offender in the U.S.—no matter how minor the offense—how has this family coped with this scarlet letter and the restrictions placed on them? All of these questions are answered in this powerful story of true love and heartache while living in fear of vigilantism and simultaneously battling a system that punishes their whole family endlessly.
“As a survivor of severe child abuse and sexual abuse, I usually avoid books like this, especially ones that focus on the abuser rather than the abused. Yet, after reading Consensual Consequences, I realize how much I didn’t know and how much society does not know: ‘Ninety-three percent of sex offenses are committed by someone NOT on the registry.’
“I also did not know how someone could have a life sentence outside of prison but this is precisely what this book exposes. I find the book provides a public service, educating readers about the truth regarding names on the sex offender registry. This book tells us things we don’t want to know, but which we must learn if we are ever to achieve any justice in the violent society in which we live.
“This book gives voice to the MANY families whose lives are affected on virtually every freedom that this country is supposed to uphold.”
– Lois Einhorn, Ph.D., Author of Forgiveness and Child Abuse: Would YOU Forgive?
“Consensual Consequences is a powerful personal account of living with a set of laws that are born out of ignorance, fear, and superstition and how it affects the lives of family members who bear its social costs. This is an important book about the injustice of sex offender laws. As seen from the eyes of the wife of a registered sex offender, we get a first-person account of outrage, pain, hope, and anger at a set of unjust laws that do not serve to protect children but instead feeds the television news media machine and political careers that need a boost.”
– Thomas H. Madison, SOclear Media Productions
“Consensual Consequences artfully illustrates the struggles of a family adjusting to living with a registered sex offender. Those who believe (or DON’T believe) that sex offender laws harm innocent family members need to read this book and become enlightened.”
– Derek Logue, Author of Once Fallen