Robert Reed Publishers
Redefining Success as Smart and Happy versus Rich and Famous
by Darby Checketts
The New American Prosperity is a collection of thirty-nine thought-provoking, moving essays by Darby Checketts with a common theme of redefining success as Smart and Happy versus Rich and Famous. His commitment is to assist you, your loved ones, and your friends in meeting life’s challenges in a way that demonstrates how Smart you are and how Happy you are determined to be.
This book is now available on Kindle (click here).
Reinventing the American Dream
Americans and others have historically been inspired by the idea of the American Dream. And now, for so many, the rough landing at end of the first decade of the twenty-first century has evoked fear and anxiety. We have discovered that the notion of Rich and Famous can turn out to be an inflated bubble of false ambition leading to a burst of disappointment.
American prosperity will return. As we learn from what we are experiencing, we will redefine success in practical and meaningful terms that will erase fear and restore our confidence and determination to move forward.
Excerpts from the FOREWORD by Steve Chandler, Author of FEARLESS: Creating the Courage to Change the Things You Can
“This is his most thoroughly modern book yet. Because it is delivered in beautiful, almost stand-alone pieces, perfect for our multi- challenged, time-scattered info-world....
”There are dramatic, heartbreaking stories in this book. Stories of creativity winning out over fear. Darby shares his own bout with frightening cancer. What a blessing it was. He gently dismantles many of the myths that drive us insane. He shows us the truth and how kind it is beneath the everyday baseless panic.
“Many of Darby’s inspired stories come from his travels around the world.... Other stories and tips for more effective living come from his successful business training life. Companies bring Darby in to transform their leadership and culture.
”And yet the most touching parts of this book come from his personal life. It’s a life he shares fully without reservation or fear.”
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Darby Checketts is the president of Cornerstone Professional Development and the author of twelve books. His recent books are Positive Conflict, Leverage, and Customer Astonishment: 10 Secrets to World Customer Care. He has served over 300 client organizations in twenty-five countries. He and his wife, Sharon, are concerned citizens and the proud parents of seven children. They live in South Jordan, Utah. His web site is customerchampion.com