Robert Reed Publishers
Ten Commitments for Building High Performance Teams by Tom Massey, Ph.D.
This book belongs on every manager’s shelf!
The ten commitments outlined in Tom Massey’s new book will help you get the right people in the right positions to develop a focused, values-driven, high performing team. Learn how to get every member to take personal ownership of your team’s success by creating shared purpose, values, and strategic goals.
Gain insights on setting up profit sharing, establishing work standards, and correcting performance problems, in addition to creating a learning organization that is able to adapt to the challenges of the next century.
Build a team environment where people have fun and play to win. Increase employee retention, job satisfaction, commitment, and productivity that will propel your team to championship performance.
The empowering topics covered include: committing to getting the right people “on the bus,” getting everyone “on the same page,” creating a learning environment, sharing the profits and losses, turning around poor performance, dancing with your team members, playing to win, growing through adversity, having fun, and most importantly, playing large.
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tom Massey, Ph.D., is a corporate leadership trainer and coach with over 20 years of experience in optimizing individual and organizational performance. Tom is also the author of The ABC’s of Total Health: Practical Tips for Abundant Living, The ABC’s of Successful Living: How to Get What You Really Want, and The ABC’s of Effective Leadership: Managing from the Heart.