Robert Reed Publishers
The Road to Happiness Is Always Under Construction
50 Activities for Creating a Positive Outlook
by K. Jeffrey Miller
Foreword by Steve Chandler
Most of us search for happiness thinking that once it is found, it will be a permanent state of being. However, for most of us, it is cyclical and we have our ups and downs. Consider the Spanish proverb: “There is no happiness; there are only moments of happiness.”
The Road to Happiness Is Always Under Construction is about the active pursuit of those moments of happiness. Take these fifty action steps and create a more positive outlook in life and some feelings of real inner joy.
Now also available on Kindle (click here).
There may be power in positive thinking, but there is greater power in positive action. Dr. Miller’s book is about the power of positive action in your life. Consider it a “must read.” ~ Dr. Steve Troyanovich
The wit and wisdom of this cleverly written book will not only cause us to stop and smile as we are reading it, but also to reflect on the people we care for and the like situations we have all found ourselves in. A worthwhile read designed to make you laugh, think, and reflect. ~ Dr. Lou Sportelli
As you read through one step after another you start to feel the momentum building for a call to continuous action. This book gives you things to do, not just things to think about.
In his chapter on our ultimate time-waster, the negative mainstream media, Dr. Miller concludes with these unforgettable words: “You cannot save time. Time can only be wasted or spent wisely.” ~ Steve Chandler
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. K. Jeffrey Miller has over 22 years of experience as a private practitioner, professor, writer and speaker. Dozens of Chiropractic Colleges, State Chiropractic Associations, Practice Management firms, and other professional organizations feature Dr. Miller’s programs each year.
The Road to Happiness Is Always Under Construction is Miller’s first book in the personal coaching arena. He is available for both private consultations and speaking engagements.
Dr. Miller and his wife Kim have four children: Ben, Andy, Emily, and Katie. They reside in Roanoke, Virginia. He is available for motivational speaking engagements. Please visit his website at examdoc.com and email him at jeff@examdoc.com.