Robert Reed Publishers
Compassionate Fairy Tales: A Mother Einhorn Collection by Lois Einhorn
New Twists on Classic Fairy Tales
Compassion and Communication—NOT Violence!
The Tortoise and Hare create a win-win? Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf become friends? Goldilocks and The Three Bears enjoy tea together? Do you think so? What do you suppose happens in the story of Rumplestiltskin? The Three Little Pigs? Hansel and Gretel? Rip Van Winkle? Why would a crane put her beak down the wolf's throat?? Imagine that! and so much more in this whole new twist on classic fairy tales.
“It’s good to be good! It’s cool to be kind, and kindness and compassion should be celebrated! Compassionate Fairy Tales is a fabulous way to teach compassionate communication to all children using Fairy Tales. In this collection of tales, Lois Einhorn teaches real life experiences that children can relate to, such as how to cultivate friendships, play with everyone, accept each other’s differences, and solve problems in a kind and constructive way.
“Compassionate Fairy Tales could be used in all elementary schools as a way to teach lessons on compassion, good moral character, friendships, anti-bullying techniques, and how to stand up for what is right. ‘Mother Einhorn’ is so insightful to adapt these timeless stories and make the characters positive. These fairy tales give a whole new meaning to ‘happily ever after.’” ~ Elizabeth Scott, Author of Raindrops on Roman: Overcoming Autism: A Message of Hope
All Stories are “Kid-Tested”
and “Mother-Approved!”
This book is also on Kindle as an E-book. Click here.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lois Einhorn, Ph.D., has been a Professor of Communication at Binghamton University in New York for thirty years. Highly accomplished, she has published five previous books and many articles; and she has received many honors, awards and grants including five major teaching awards—often the youngest then and since to receive these honors. Dr. Einhorn was honored as a 2004 Heroine of Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Peace by The World Forgiveness Alliance. Dr. Einhorn created a unique University Course called Compassionate Communication and in response to some of her students created this book.
See Einhorn's other two books published by Robert D. Reed Publishers: