Robert Reed Publishers
Raindrops on Roman: Overcoming Autism: A Message of Hope
"Growing up in the 60's, I thought that every family had a little brother who banged his head on the wall and had a permanent goose egg on his forehead. No one had heard of autism. This book shows compassion and understanding as well as one woman's path for healing her son. A must-read for al lwho deal with or ar affected by autism." ~ Lane Sharkey
A Mother Helps Her Son Recover From Autism
An account of a mother’s true-life saga of love and desperation, Elizabeth Scott, a former elementary school teacher, shares how she helped her son recover from the clutches of autism. The information is provided in her new book called Raindrops On Roman: Overcoming Autism: A Message of Hope.
Roman was diagnosed with autism at 18 months, and over time more and more behavioral symptoms were becoming evident. By the age of two he had exhibited 45 telltale symptoms of autism. Elizabeth Scott explains how she used her “Skills and Drills” to reverse 100% of these symptoms resulting in a full recovery.
Autism is a developmental brain disorder that typically reveals itself within the first three years of a child’s life. For unknown reasons, autism has grown to be the number-one leading childhood disability in the United States.
“One out of every 150 children is diagnosed with autism each year, one in 94 boys.” [www.autismspeaks.org]
Most experts in the field of autism do not believe in recovery. However, Scott says, “With a consistent, repetitious, and structured intensive intervention program started at the toddler stage when the brain is still malleable, tremendous improvement and even recovery is possible for many autistic children.”
Elizabeth explains that she used simple, inexpensive therapeutic supplies to create her “Skills and Drills” program that anyone can adopt. Today Roman is a happy, confident seven-year-old boy. He is in a traditional first grade class and does not need any special education, services, or therapies.
78 Skills and Drills for Optimum Child Development
“Raindrops on Roman and Whiskers on Kittens...
These are a few of my favorite things...”
Songs, rhymes, and a large repertoire of fun-filled methods bubbled out of this exemplary creative mother, Elizabeth Scott, to gently and firmly teach her son to overcome symptoms of autism.
Raindrops on Roman will move you to tears, punctuated with a few bursts of spontaneous laughter, as you marvel at this touching true story.
You will learn very specific skills and drills that she used, what materials to obtain to implement them, and what areas each activity helps to develop and improve. This is a must-have book for all parents and every professional working with children who have autism.
"This is a story about a mother’s love. There is no other way to explain what she endured to help Roman recover except love, pure and simple. Elizabeth became an educator and spent her career prior to Roman as a teacher… Hopefully, the new recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics (screening for autism for all children at 18 and 24 months), along with stories like Roman’s will help countless children overcome autism in the future. And even for parents of children without autism, there is much to be learned from this book. The skills and drills Elizabeth used for Roman can be used for any toddler and preschool child." — Dr. Robert Silver, MD, Medical Director, Neonatology, Jeff Gordon Children's Hospital, Carolinas Medical Center – NorthEast, Concord, NC
Buy this book as part of a bundle of books to help children with special needs.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Elizabeth Burton Scott, M.A.has her Master’s Degree in Elementary Education. With her professional skills and her deep devotion as a mother, she persevered in leading her son through his early childhood years to recover from 45 symptoms of autism.
Now, through consulting, speaking, and coaching, she offers HELP and HOPE to the parents of an ever-growing population of children diagnosed with autism as well as to the professionals working in early childhood development, whether the children have autism or not. Her “78 Skills and Drills” program has wide application to all children.
Elizabeth lives in Dallas, Texas with her son and her husband.