Robert Reed Publishers
Garrison Keillor meets Jack Kerouac meets Mahatma Gandhi
... in this wry, road-wise scripture. Hobo Sapien is a series of freight train parables born out of the author’s twelve-plus years riding freight trains, combined with lessons learned in his seven-year stint as a monk, plus the added bonus of fascinating railroad history.
Non-fiction readers buy books to learn something, for reference, or to be entertained. Hobo Sapien fills all three bills. Readers will get a unique immersion into the underground world of the hobo. The spiritual takes are written with a subtle humor that helps the medicine go down. It is not your parent’s self-help book.
Armchair adventurers, rail fans, spiritual seekers, and academia nuts will all gather intriguing information from this missive. It is vastly different from other hobo books because of its unparalleled combination of adventure, rail history, humor, and spirituality. The author’s background is also unique and varied. Not many hobos have gone from Yale to rail or from hunk to monk.
Wayne makes us long to be a hobo, if only in the deep of the night when listening to the low moan of a train whistle. – Tom W. Boyd, Ph.D.
I've been waiting for years to hold a copy of Wayne's book in my hands. I admire the relaxed way he has of easing spiritual lessons into the death-defying details of freight hopping, with clarity and humor. Hobo Sapien is an exceptional book, to read, re-read, and take to heart. – Karen Chamberlain, author of Desert of the Heart: Sojourn in a Community of Solitudes
This delightful book is now available on Kindle (click here).
It is reminiscent of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance because it both informs and inspires reflective response, HOBO SAPIEN is also accessible, witty, and insightful.
American readers, accustomed to insight by slogans, will find the book's lessons brief and germane without being preachy while breaking teh somnambulistic spell of rutted thinking.
A virtual case study in contemporty and historical Americana, this is an especially helpful text for easing students into cultural, historical, and religious studies.
An All-American boy from Minnesota, Wayne Iverson attended Yale University. An identity crisis led to three years of roaming. He transferred colleges and hopped freight trains. He became a city planner in western ski areas, then a monk for seven years. Married in Colorado, he and his wife moved to Oklahoma to assist her parents. That dharma done, once again the mountains beckon.
Visit Wayne at www.wisehobo.com and invite him to your event as a speaker.